I redefined the concept of "visual performance", based on the studies of precedents of performance spaces, including traditional theaters, concert halls, musical auditoriums, etc. (Specific precedents are referred in Phase 1 - Performance Space Precedents)
Virtual Stereoscopic Display
It is an experimental design that attempts to break away from the traditional way of audience interaction within performance spaces. This Virtual Stereoscopic Display involves the audience's interaction via dynamic positions and stereoscopic visuals through red-cyan 3D glasses, in order to perceive the total performance that is being displayed virtually in the center. Consequently, by visual performance, audiences will develop their visual perception and the total experience of the whole performance through 2D anaglyph images representing the content of the performance.
Redefined 'stereoscopic station' for viewing the performance displayed (as in an object form) |
On 25th February 2014 was the presentation day in which I have documented a space performing itself with the audiences who are interacting with the design space.