On an urban scale, Shenzhen is a commuter city where people tend to rely on vehicles as a means of transportation. Unlike most other places in Shenzhen, the district of OCT was designed to accommodate the walkability of pedestrians throughout the area. With this privilege, along with the invisible boundaries that separate the two sub-districts of OCT, my design proposal embarks upon creating layers and networks of existing pedestrians footprints that physically and programmatically bring interactions between the two disconnected contexts. Furthermore, the design itself is a transformative platform that merges the segregated urban layers into an interdependent performance architecture that dually serves as a concert hall during events and also as recreational space. The design is also considered to be an urban stage where, according to the redefinition of performance, boundaries between performer and audience is blurred, and everyone in the space is considered to have their own role as either audience or performer. The space is activated by humans as an input to the architecture.